BEGWS is one of 47 municipally-owned electric utilities in New York State. BEGWS is responsible for approximately 44 circuit miles, covering BEGWS Working on Linesapproximately five square miles, and serving more than 4,500 customers. BEGWS provides residential, commercial and industrial customers with electricity rates that are lower than its neighboring electric utilities.
The Fairview Drive substation enables future load growth for existing and potential customers. The conversion from 4,160 V to 12.47 kV is underway.
Purchase Power Adjustment Charge (PPAC): BEGWS is allotted an amount of hydro power of which it can purchase through the New York Power Authority. This hydro power is the cheapest power available. Any power BEGWS purchases over the allotted amount is supplemented by power purchased from the New York Municipal Power Agency. This supplemental power is more expensive than the hydro power. It is BEGWS’s goal to protect and preserve the hydro power and reduce its need for supplemental power to the extent possible. The PPAC reflects the amount of the supplemental power purchased plus charges for transmitting the power, ancillary charges, and loss factors.
Village residents, along with Town of Bath residents, have come to rely on the gas utility for reliable and cost-effective natural gas service. Additionally, commercial and industrial customers have also come to rely on BEGWS’ low rates.
BEGWS is one of only three municipal natural gas utilities in New York State. The gas utility consists of approximately 36 miles of gas main and provides service to approximately 2,200 customers.

BEGWS operates a public water system consisting of four groundwater wells, two water storage tanks, and a water distribution system. Approximately 2,400 water customers in the Village and Town of Bath receive water service from BEGWS. The safety and reliability of the drinking water supplied by BEGWS is of utmost importance. BEGWS strives to provide clean, fresh, and pure drinking water at reasonable rates.
A copy of BEGWS’ most recent Annual Water Quality Report can be found by clicking here.

BEGWS operates a sanitary sewer collection and conveyance system, along with a wastewater treatment Water Plantplant (WWTP), BEGWS serves approximately 2,300 customers as well as several significant industrial users (SIUs) in the Village and Town of Bath. BEGWS is responsible for the safe, collection, conveyance, and treatment of wastewater generated by residential, commercial and industrial customers.

The electric and gas utilities are regulated by the New York State Public ServiceBEGWS Workers fixing parks clock Commission (PSC). The PSC is the public utilities commission of state government that regulates and oversees the electric, gas, water, and telecommunication industries in New York as part of the Department of Public Service.
If you would like to file a complaint related to the electric and/or gas utilities, please call 1-800-342-3377.
The water and sewer utilities are regulated by the New York State Department of Health and Department of Environmental Conservation, respectively. The Village of Bath Municipal Utility Commission is responsible for the oversight of the water and sewer utilities.
If you would like to file a complaint related to the water and/or sewer utilities, please contact the Village of Bath Municipal Utility Commission.