Instructions For Paying Online
Instructions For Paying Online with Web Inquiry & Payment Portal (WIPP)
1. Go to Opens in a new window to access the Web Inquiry & Payment Portal (WIPP). There are also links on this website in the “Paying My Bill” section and the BEGWS Facebook page
2. Locate your Account Number and PIN at the top-left corner of your bill (which will look similar to the sample below)
3. Enter your Account Number and PIN in the Utility Account Information section of the website and click Enter (circled below)
4. Your current charges will appear on the screen similar to below. Click the Make a Payment button. (You have the option to view a detailed bill by clicking “View Current Bill”—you may need to disable pop-ups for the PDF to load). Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) customers need to use “View Current Bill” to get the correct balance due, which can be found at the bottom right-hand corner of the bill under “Total Due”.
5. Select a payment method, select a payment amount, and click Continue. HEAP Customers need to select “Pay Other Amount” and type in the “Total Due” amount from their Bill in the “Payment Amount:” field to ensure they are paying the correct balance due.
6. You will be prompted with a Confirmation screen, select Continue—please take note the convenience fees (2.95% for credit / debit cards and $1.05 for e-checks). By selecting Continue, you will be redirected to the FIS webpage where you will be prompted to enter in your credit / debit card or banking information for e-checks
7. Once all fields are completed on Payment Entry form, select Continue. An email address is required—this is where your receipt will be sent. Once you select Continue, a confirmation of the payment submission will display as proof of an attempt to pay, which we encourage you to print for your records